Category: Meta

  • The computer knows what’s up…

    The computer knows what’s up…

    I got bored and asked an AI: Can you summarize the meaning of the phrase, “Minnesota living”? The phrase “Minnesota living” conjures up images of a high quality of life with a strong focus on the outdoors. Here’s a breakdown of what it typically implies: Beautiful natural environment: Abundant lakes, opportunities for hiking, biking, and…

  • Site update #1

    Site update #1

    Just a quick update with some site news! It feels a bit ridiculous when this is all less than a week old, but I’d like to be transparent and publicly document the things going on. I’ll be using the post category “Meta” for all things about the website itself. I’ve created accounts for a couple…

  • First post!

    First post!

    There is always a first post. Working on building this site proof of concept; there might be some real content coming soon!