Author: karlexceed

  • The computer knows what’s up…

    The computer knows what’s up…

    I got bored and asked an AI: Can you summarize the meaning of the phrase, “Minnesota living”? The phrase “Minnesota living” conjures up images of a high quality of life with a strong focus on the outdoors. Here’s a breakdown of what it typically implies: Beautiful natural environment: Abundant lakes, opportunities for hiking, biking, and…

  • Be Nice and Buy Local

    Be Nice and Buy Local

    When I’m shopping for something, I always try to buy as locally as I reasonably can. Local retailers, local manufacturers, and local materials or ingredients. Buying locally is better for the environment by reducing the amount of transportation that items need to get to you. Just as importantly, it’s good for the local economy by…

  • Pergola at the Lake Cabin

    Pergola at the Lake Cabin

    Many years back, in the summer of 2009, I was asked if I could build a decorative pergola at the family’s lake cabin. Of course, I offered to tackle it immediately without a second thought. I had a rough idea of how they were built and what I might want to do, so I fired…